Friday, March 16, 2012

I've been busy


I love to sew and had a few projects in mind. My mom came to visit so naturally I asked for her help and here's what we made:

2 super cute pillow case dresses
These are a little long but will last for a while and can be worn as more of a long shirt when Makell is bigger.

1 tshirt dress
Please excuse my bad picture and lack of a full body shot. My model is slightly spastic and has a tough time standing still for a good picture. You can still get the basic idea though.
1 crayon roll

My inspiration for these can all be found on my sewing board on Pintrest. I think my versions turned out pretty cute! Thanks Mom!!


Jenna said...

I LOVE your projects. I need to finish all mine! Here's my proposal. You and me and mom and Julie and Amber and Kamayani need to go to a WorldMark for a week, ALONE! We'll do nothing but all the projects and sewing we never get done at home, watch TV and eat crap. How amazing does that sound????

Debbie said...

Jaimee - you are so welcome. It was a ton of fun and they all turned out so-o-o cute. Jen, I LOVE your idea - I know Julie would be in, she's been asking for a girl's vacay.