Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sand Dunes

Another highlight of our trip was the day we went to the Sand Dunes. In order to get there, you have to drive along the beach for about 2 miles. We were slightly concerned about this but wanted to go to the dunes so we did it anyway. We drove on the beach, got to the dunes, played in the sand, rolled down the hills, and had a fabulous time. On the way out however, we got stuck, really stuck. The tide was on it's way in so we were all slightly concerned, especially my sister who didn't really want to loose her van to the ocean. We called a tow truck and 40 minutes later were safe on the real road. It was quite the adventure and I don't think any of us with drive on the beach anytime in the near future!

Driving on the beach to the dunes

Makell enjoying the sand

Love the feet!


The tide...inching closer every minute

Dad-very proud of his handy work

Getting unstuck by the massive tow truck.

Another would be dune go-er also stuck. We weren't the only ones, just the first of the afternoon.


Makell tried swings for the first time and loved them! She would giggle and laugh and kick her legs like crazy. She is also a fan of sunglasses. She really hates the sun in her eyes so I bought her a pair of sunglasses and she wore them the whole week and never pulled them off her face. Here are a few pictures of her enjoying the swings, the park, and her grandpa.

Madonna Inn

While in Pismo, we drove North about 10 minutes to see the Madonna Inn. I have seen in featured on a few travel channel shows and it was also a recent destination for the Bachelor. It was pretty interesting and quite a site. All the rooms are theme decorated and in the men's restroom you pee into a waterfall! Here are a few pics of the outside, the restaurant decor, and the famous cakes, which I am sad to say, I did not taste :(.

Loving the Nice Weather

Makell loved being outside!! Here she is outside enjoying the grass and the sun, both of which were new to her since she was born in September in Michigan and has not had a chance to enjoy either yet.

Makell also really loved being in shorts and a t-shirt, also a new thing for this Michigan baby.

Elephant Seals at Pismo

Here are the Elephant Seals that are just North of Pismo right off Pacific Coast Highway One. They are HUGE...the males weigh between 3 and 4 thousand pounds and the females weigh about 1500. There were so many of them and it was really cool to see them in their natural habitat.

Pismo Beach

Last week Makell and I went for a trip to Pismo Beach in California. We spent a week on the beach with my sister and her two kids, one of my brothers and his three kids and my parents. It was tons fun and we had lots of adventures, including get stuck on the beach in the van as the tide was coming in!

Makell loved being outside and really enjoyed getting to wear shorts and a t-shirt! We saw the elephant seals, went to the sand dunes, saw the famous Madonna Inn, and did plenty of shopping. It was so nice to get away from the snow and cold and we had a wonderful time. Thank you so much Mom and Dad for making it happen!!

New Look

Nick has officially joined the bad eye sight club. He recently got glasses and is now sporting this very sexy look!